5th Annual Meeting in the UCD Medical Center, 2010
The 5th Annual Meeting of CAMAC was held in the UCD Medical Center Courtyard Hotel by Marriott on May 1st, 2010. The conference was a success. It started off with the retiring President, Dr. Lin Zhang , delivering his the State of CAMAC address, summarizing the growth and the activities of CAMAC over the past two years. Dr. David Tang, the upcoming president presented him an award for Dr. Zhang’s commitment and contributions to our community. Dr. Bihai Peng was elected as the new board member at the conference.
As the central theme of the annual meeting, Drs. Yingbo Yang, Yunlin Zheng, malin Prupas, and Eddie Cheung, presented their well prepared speech on current view on arrhythmia, diabetes, gout, and hepatitis B, respectively.
The Annual meeting was attended by 38 members and 16 industry sponsors. The feedbacks from the members have been quite positive.
The dinner banquet honoring members and their families and friends was held at Rice Bowl Restaurant, featuring the Chinese Folk Chamber Music Group of Sacramento . All attendees enjoyed a fun-filled evening.
The board appreciated the supports of members and our friends. The new board welcomes comments and suggestion on past and future activities.