CAMAC’s Aquatic Center Fall Retreat on Labor Day Weekend 9/3/11

CAMAC’s Aquatic Center Fall Retreat on Labor Day Weekend…

Dear Members,
CAMAC held another fall retreat in Sacramento State Aquatic Center on Labor day weekend (9-3-11). The event started off with a buffet lunch with delicious Chinese food, on the lake front deck of the conference center with beautiful view of the Lake Nimbus. This was followed by an educational program focusing on the understanding and treatment of osteoporosis in the Asian community. Drs. Yunli Zheng, Dawei Zheng, Deyi Zheng and Xiaoyan He gave very insightful discussions on the topic which was very well received by the members, evidenced by the numerous questions generated. The educational program was sponsored by an educational grant that Dr. Yuli Zheng acquired on behalf of CAMAC from Amgen. We owe Dr. Zheng a big gratitude for his great effort in getting this grant for us.
CAMAC president, David Yue Tang introduced new board member Dr. Jean Lee who will replace Dr. Bihai Peng as the treasurer (pending approval by members at next annual meeting), and welcomed four new members who joined CAMAC at the event. The new members were Dr. Jim Wu, Dr. Kit Lam, Dr.Ming Qing Li, Dr. Ming Yi Chen and Dr. Frank Zhang.
Following the educational program, a number of members and family members engaged in various water sports on the lake. In the evening, more than 70 people went to Folsom Lake Bowl for bowling from 6 to 9 pm. The retreat was filled with fun and joy! An appreciation to all board members, as well as Ms. Hong Luo, Ms. Jenny Wang, and Mr. Micheal Cheng who worked hard helping organize the event.
Another big thanks to following members, Dr. Xiaoyan He, Jenifer Zhou, Lester Pan, Peter Wu, Julie Li, Jean Lee, Dawei Zheng, and David Y. Tang, who promoted Hep B awarness and volunteered as emergency physicians for Sacramento China Town Mall event on August 28, 2011.
We also want to thank every CAMAC member and family members who participated in the Fall retreat. There would have been no success without your participation. We hope to see more of you at our next event.

Zi-Jian Xu, MD, PhD, FACC